Most people pass on photos. Some write books. You can turn your life into a movie.

Imagine this: 100 years from now, your great, great grandchild asks what you were like. Instead of having a relative explain with the help of some old photos, they can watch you tell your story in your own words.

This is what Michael Puterflam ensured his family would have. As a teenager, he created a documentary about his grandfather, Geron, who for the first time shared his story of survival during the Holocaust as a Jewish child hidden in Berlin throughout the war.

A decade later, and after several years working with video and film, Michael decided to document the story of his grandmother, Nellie.

Michael knew there must be many other people who would want to ensure their stories are recorded for their families to enjoy in the future.

Now, Michael’s on a mission to help you capture your story, so your loved ones can celebrate you forever.

Michael with his grandmother, Nellie, and grandfather, Geron.